XXII Congress


June 14-16, 2023 | Belgrade, Serbia

Instructions for Abstract submission

Abstract submission for poster presentation is now closed. Thank you very much for your contributions!

Notification emails of poster paper acceptance/rejection were sent to all authors on April 26th from mail office@aria.co.rs
If you did not receive an email from Congress secretariat/Agency Aria Conference & Events please:
First check your spam folder in your mailbox or
Contact us at congress2023@xxiieurofoodchem.com or office@aria.co.rs and we will resend the letter to you once again.

Each registered participant will be entitled to submit one abstract for a poster, flash presentation or oral communication.

Please use the Microsoft Word file Abstract Template.

  • First author MUST be the presenting author and MUST be registered.
  • For each abstract you should indicate the other authors and the preferred type of presentation (Oral or Poster).
  • Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically according to the given instructions.
  • Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Abstracts should be submitted after registration.