XXII Congress


June 14-16, 2023 | Belgrade, Serbia

Instructions for Abstract submission

Abstract submission for oral presentation is now closed. Thank you very much for your contributions!

Notification emails of oral paper acceptance/rejection were sent to all authors on April 18th from mail office@aria.co.rs

If you did not receive an email from Congress secretariat/Agency Aria Conference & Events please:

First check your spam folder in your mailbox or

Contact us at congress2023@xxiieurofoodchem.com or office@aria.co.rs and we will resend the letter to you once again.

Submissions of Abstracts for oral presentations has been extended until 15. March 2023

Each registered participant will be entitled to submit one abstract for a poster, flash presentation or oral communication.

Please use the Microsoft Word file Abstract Template.

  • First author MUST be the presenting author and MUST be registered.
  • For each abstract you should indicate the other authors and the preferred type of presentation (Oral or Poster).
  • Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically according to the given instructions.
  • Please make sure your abstract does not contain any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Abstracts should be submitted after registration.